Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2023

Research article

Withdrawal from mixed agreements under EU law: the case of the Energy Charter Treaty

Laurens Ankersmit

2023-06-27 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: The EU, the Energy Charter Treaty, and sustainability policies: the legal intricacies of trying to boil the ocean

A modernised ECT reflecting EU values and objectives: a multilateral framework promoting energy investment in a sustainable way?

Natasha A Georgiou

2023-07-25 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: The EU, the Energy Charter Treaty, and sustainability policies: the legal intricacies of trying to boil the ocean

On how the ECT fuels the fossil fuel economy: Rockhopper v Italy as a case study

Alessandra Arcuri

2023-09-26 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2023