Welcome to the History Education Research Journal

The official journal of the History Educators International Research Network (HEIRNET), the History Education Research Journal is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the global significance and impact of history education.

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The History Education Research Journal (HERJ) is for anyone involved in history education research and history educators. As the official and owned journal of HEIRNET, an organisation that brings together colleagues from around the world interested in History’s civilising, cultural, educational, moral, social, political and citizenship role, and supported by the Historical Association, HERJ aims to be the leading forum for dissemination of research related to all aspects of history education.

The journal covers all aspects of history education theory, practice, scholarship, and pure and applied research. Articles address contemporary issues, concerns, policies, and practice; drawing upon the full range of research methodologies relating to history education research. We welcome submissions and provide an inclusive, fully non-commercial, open access publishing process. There is no cost to authors at point of submission or publication, and no cost to readers. Articles are published on this site and also accessed via a number of subject specific indexers, repositories, and search databases to maximise readership. Learn more about our publishing process, how to submit and sign up to our Publishing Alerts to keep abreast of our calls for papers and new article releases.

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How much has history education research changed in the last 100 years?
How much has history education research changed in the last 100 years?
Posted by James Miles on 2025-01-28

In my article I investigate how history education research in Canada has changed over time. In particular I examine three prominent nation-wide studies published in 1923, 1953 and 1968, respectively. By looking at these historical case studies, I aim to shed light on what assumptions and aims have guided past researchers, what research methods have been used, and how socio-cultural factors have [...]

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