
Aims and scope

Jewish Historical Studies: A Journal of English-Speaking Jewry (JHS) publishes original, peer reviewed research that explores the historical experience of Jews across the English-speaking Jewish world. First published in 1893 as Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, the journal is the official publication of the Jewish Historical Society of England.

In concert with its founding mission, JHS encourages and solicits research focused on the Jewish past in pre-modern and modern England. However, from 2023, reflecting its change of name, the journal will embrace a broader vision, devoting attention to other Jewish communities with which Anglo-Jewry shares intimate historical ties: South Africa, Canada, Australia, and the English-speaking Caribbean.

The journal invites articles that address both the distinct histories of these communities, while also encouraging comparative historical work across communities that otherwise have been typically studied as discrete units. We seek contributions that deepen and broaden our understanding of the characteristics of English-speaking Jewry, particularly the challenges and opportunities that liberal host societies presented to the development of Jewish life. We also seek articles that trace the transnational connections between these communities and identify the ways in which a common language facilitated the emergence of a distinctive anglophone Jewish sphere.

While predominantly historical in its focus, JHS encourages contributions that augment historical perspectives with the insights and methodologies of complementary disciplines.

Publication frequency: Jewish Historical Studies is publishes one issue per year.

Journal ownership

Jewish Historical Studies: A Journal of English-Speaking Jewry is owned by the Jewish Historical Society of England. The society is the oldest historical and learned society of its kind in Europe. The society was founded in 1893 by the foremost Anglo-Jewish scholars and communal leaders of the day. Past presidents have included Lucien Wolf, F.D. Mocatta, Israel Zangwill, Cecil Roth and Sir Isaiah Berlin. The society is based in London, and has branches in Essex, Leeds, Liverpool, Herts and Middlesex, Sussex and Jerusalem. Read more about the society at https://www.jhse.org.


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  • Web of Science (AHCI)
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Article publication charges

UCL Press journals do not levy an Article-Processing Charge (APC) for submission or publication in Jewish Historical Studies. Contributors to Jewish Historical Studies will not be required to make an APC payment for submission or publication of their article.

Open access policy

From December 2020, all articles published in Jewish Historical Studies are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC-BY) 4.0 international licence agreement and published open access, making them immediately and freely available to read and download. The CC-BY licence agreement allows authors to retain copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of the work.

Further information regarding this can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 and licensing terms and conditions can be found in our Journals Editorial Policy https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy.

Peer review

Jewish Historical Studies operates double anonymised peer review, where both the reviewers and authors are anonymised to each other during review. Authors should submit an anonymous version of the manuscript, stripped of all identifying references to the author(s) for peer review. Reviewers cannot be from the same institution as the author, based at any funding bodies connected to the paper and cannot be recommended by authors or anyone else connected to the paper.

Further information regarding peer review can be found on the UCL Press editorial policy pages (https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy).

Journal information

ISSN: 2397-1290


Published by (from December 2020):

UCL Press
University College London (UCL)
Gower Street

UCL Press website: https://www.uclpress.co.uk 

UCL Press email: uclpresspublishing@ucl.ac.uk

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UCL Press Journals Editorial Policyhttps://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy

Contact the journal

All general enquiries should be sent to the Editorial Assistant at jemimajarman [at] outlook.com