Contents: London Journal of Canadian Studies 35(1)
Canada before Confederation, 1763–1867 | |
Introduction: The Pre-Confederation Context, 1763–1867
Sam Allison and Jon Bradley |
xi |
Climate Observing During Canada’s Empires, 1742–1871: People, Places and Motivations
Victoria Slonosky and Isabelle Mayer-Jouanjean |
1 |
Loyalty and Lobbying: French-Canadian Delegates in London, 1763–1840
Damien-Claude Bélanger |
29 |
Why Ross Survived When Franklin Died: Arctic Explorers and the Inuit, 1829–1848
Nicholas Bayne |
67 |
The Canadian Civil Wars of 1837–1838
Phillip Buckner |
96 |
Constitutional Statesmanship: Lord Durham and the Creation of a New Colonial Paradigm, 1839–1841
Richard W. Pound |
119 |
Settler Salvation and Indigenous Survival: George Copway’s Reconciliatory Vision, 1849–1851
John R.E. Bird |
138 |