Aims and scope
Archaeology International, produced annually, combines news about Institute activities with reports on research, both on new and on-going projects, carried out by members of staff. Refereed articles reflect the broad geographical, theoretical and methodological scope of research at the Institute. Reports and news items cover topics such as recent publications by Institute staff, current fieldwork and aspects of the history of the Institute. The intended audience is both academic researchers and those with a general interest in archaeology and heritage.
This publication supersedes the Institute of Archaeology Bulletin (published until 1994, numbers 30 and 31). Archaeology International is a fully online open access edition, to which back issues have been added.
Publication frequency: Archaeology International is published once a year, in December.
Journal ownership
Archaeology International is the official journal of the UCL Institute of Archaeology. The Institute is one of the largest centres for archaeology, cultural heritage and museum studies in Britain. Founded in 1937, it is one of very few places in the world actively pursuing research on a global scale in the archaeological sciences, heritage studies and world archaeology. The Institute offers Undergraduate, Graduate Taught and Graduate Research Programmes to UK/EU and overseas students. Opportunities are also available to members of the public to take courses at the Institute and to affiliate students wishing to spend some time at the Institute during their own degree programmes. In addition the institute hosts events on many different aspects of archaeology and it is linked to a wide range of heritage organisations, museums and archaeological societies internationally, providing an outstanding research environment for staff, students and visitors. Read more about the UCL Institute of Archaeology at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology.
UCL Press works with subject specific indexers to deposit published articles in relevant repositories and search databases. We are committed to the responsible use of metrics and strongly encourage all readers, authors, reviewers, and Editors to read through our statement about the use of metrics across the journal, available online at https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy/#METRICS.
All articles published in Archaeology International are currently indexed in:
- Web of Science
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- European Reference Index for Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
- Sparrho
- ExLibris
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- UCL Discovery
Article publication charges
UCL Press journals do not levy an Article-Processing Charge (APC) for submission or publication in Archaeology International. Contributors to Archaeology International will not be required to make an APC payment for submission or publication of their article.
Open access policy
From December 2020, all articles published in the Archaeology International are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC-BY) 4.0 international licence agreement and published open access, making them immediately and freely available to read and download. The CC-BY licence agreement allows authors to retain copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of the work.Further information regarding this can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 and licensing terms and conditions can be found in our Journals Editorial Policy https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy.
Peer review
Archaeology International operates double anonymised peer review, meaning that authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other during the review process. The review period is expected to take around four to eight weeks, although this may vary depending on reviewer availability. Reviewers are asked to provide formative feedback, even if an article is not deemed suitable for publication in the journal.
All submissions to Archaeology International are initially assessed by the Editor who decides whether or not the article is suitable for peer review. Submissions considered suitable for peer review are assigned to two or more independent experts, who assess the article for clarity, validity, and sound methodology.
Authors may be invited to recommend or ask for the exclusion of specific individuals from the peer review process. The journal does not guarantee to use these suggestions. All reviewers must be independent from the submission and will be asked to declare all competing interests.
Based on the reviewer reports the editor will make a recommendation for rejection, minor or major revisions, or acceptance. Overall editorial responsibility rests with the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, who is supported by an expert, international Editorial Board.
Archaeology International is happy to accept submissions of papers that have been loaded onto preprint servers or personal websites, have been presented at conferences, or other informal communication channels. These formats will not be deemed prior publication. Authors must retain copyright to such postings. Authors are encouraged to link any prior posting of their paper to the final published version within the journal, if it is editorially accepted.
Members of the editorial team/board are permitted to submit their own papers to the journal. In cases where an author is associated with the journal, they will be removed from all editorial tasks for that paper and another member of the team will be assigned responsibility for overseeing peer review. A competing interest must also be declared within the submission and any resulting publication.
Further information regarding peer review can be found on the UCL Press editorial policy pages (https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy).
Journal information
ISSN: 2048-4194
Homepage: https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ai
Published by (from December 2020):
UCL Press, University College London (UCL), Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT. UK
UCL Press website: https://www.uclpress.co.uk
UCL Press email: uclpresspublishing@ucl.ac.uk
UCL Press twitter: @uclpress
UCL Press Journals Editorial Policy: https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy
Contact the journal
All general enquiries should be sent to the Editor, Prof Andrew Reynolds, by email at a.reynolds [at] ucl.ac.uk.