
The EU, the Energy Charter Treaty, and sustainability policies: the legal intricacies of trying to boil the ocean

Published: 28/06/23

The EU, the Energy Charter Treaty, and sustainability policies: the legal intricacies of trying to boil the ocean

In this special series, we assess to what extent the ECT is an obstacle to sustainability, as well as the legal intricacies surrounding the EU’s and its Member States’ participation in the ECT, including whether and how the different parties can legally withdraw from the ECT.

The European Union’s External Action: Views from the Outside

Published: 12/04/21

The European Union’s External Action: Views from the Outside

The aim of this special series is to understand the perspectives of a number of EU partners as well as bodies outside the European Union.

Reflections on Opinion 1/17 (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada - CETA)

Published: 05/02/20

Reflections on Opinion 1/17 (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada - CETA)

This Special Series places Opinion 1/17 in a broader context. It offers an analysis of the Court’s legal reasoning, examines the potential consequence of the Opinion, and contributes to the specific debates on the EU’s role in investment arbitration and the meaning of the autonomy of the EU legal order.

Considering EU External Relations after Brexit

Published: 19/12/19

Considering EU External Relations after Brexit

This special series arose from a workshop at the University of Strathclyde in October 2018, funded by the James Madison Charitable Trust. The papers of this special series are neatly divided into considering the different dimensions of Brexit, future UK-EU relations and the impact on both parties.

Economic and Non-economic Values and Objectives in the EU’s International Trade

Published: 26/06/19

Economic and Non-economic Values and Objectives in the EU’s International Trade

This special series comprises selected papers presented at a RENFORCE workshop on the theme of tensions between the EU’s trade and non-economic values, held at Utrecht University in November 2017

Extraterritoriality of EU law and human rights after Lisbon: The case of trade and public procurement

Published: 10/10/18

Extraterritoriality of EU law and human rights after Lisbon: The case of trade and public procurement

Comprises selected papers presented at a two-day workshop on the theme of extraterritoriality, human rights and the European Union (EU) after the entry into force of the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon, held at the University of Sussex School of Law in July 2017.