Submit to the journal

How to submit

All submissions to the journal should be made via the journals submission system, at Please firstly login or register for a new author profile in the submission system.

Manuscripts should be formatted according to Europe and the World: A law review author guidelines ( Manuscripts that are not formatted appropriately for the journal will be referred to edit accordingly before peer review. Please also note that the journal runs a continuous publication model – articles are published in the journal as and when they are ready.

When you are ready you can submit here:

Start Submission

Important notice

Information gathered when registering with the UCL Press Journals Submission System ( is used for the purposes of publication in the journal, including peer-review, typesetting, copyediting, proofreading, and online open access publication.

Submission enquiries

Submission enquiries should be sent to the Editors by email to

Submission statement of intent

Upon submitting, the article is considered under review for possible publication on the condition that it is submitted solely to Europe and the World: A law review and that the article or a substantial portion of it is not under consideration and has not been published elsewhere. By submitting, authors are agreeing that the submission is original except for material in the public domain and such excerpts of other works have written permission of the copyright owner. Where there is potential for duplication, authors must correctly reference and cite the work. By way of submitting, all authors have read and agree to the journal’s Editorial Policy ( and the Journals Contributor Agreement, found publicly available online at

Authorship and author consent

All listed authors must have made a significant contribution to the article in the manuscript and have approved all its claims. Where necessary to clarify this, authors are required to include an authorship statement in their manuscript to outline how each author contributed to the paper, after any acknowledgements in the article. For journals operating a double blind peer-review process, this information should be removed from the main manuscript file for peer review.

UCL Press adheres to the statement of authorship as outlined by the ICMJE statement (, and considers an author of an article to have:

  • made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • made final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • agrees to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

For suspected and incorrect authorship, UCL Press journals will refer to the UCL Press Journals Editorial Policy as outlined at and follow COPE guidelines.


Double anonymised peer review

Europe and the World: A law review operates double anonymised peer review, where both the reviewers and authors are anonymised during review. Authors are required to submit an anonymised version of the manuscript, stripped of all identifying references to the author(s) for peer review, in addition to the main manuscript word file as described below.

  1. The complete manuscript not anonymised, as a word file (.doc/.docx, etc.) and;
  2. An anonymised PDF version of the manuscript, stripped of all identifying references to the author(s) for peer review (anonymisation includes references to authors, acknowledgements, self references, and any electronic author identification., etc.)

Manuscripts may be returned before peer review if manuscripts are not sufficiently blinded.

Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. Please submit your paper with an abstract of about 250 words and 5 keywords.
  2. Please submit the text single-spaced, use a 12-point font and employ italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses).
  3. Format your article using OSCOLA referencing style and do not use endnotes. Please ensure that you have followed the author guidelines at
  4. The journal aims for a quick revision process, and should not normally exceed 10 weeks. All articles undergo the journal’s full standard peer-review process (see here for more information:
  5. Before submitting to the journal, all authors must have read and agreed to the journal’s editorial policy ( and the above submission statement of intent. 
  6. Any enquiries can be sent via email to the journal Editors at europeandtheworld [at[

Referencing style

Please make sure that your manuscript complies with the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), available at