Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021

Table of contents

Table of Contents: London Journal of Canadian Studies 36(1)

2021-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021



Hector Mackenzie

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021

Research article

Mackenzie King and the North Atlantic Triangle in the Era of Munich, 1938–1939

Tony McCulloch

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021 • 1–23

‘Keen to Foul Their Own Nests’: Contemporary and Historical Criticism of the Permanent Joint Board on Defence of 1940

Galen Roger Perras

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021 • 24–56

Greenland (1940) as an Instance of Pickwickian ‘Cooperation’ Between King’s Ottawa and Roosevelt’s Washington

David G. Haglund

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021 • 57–68

Mackenzie King and the St Pierre and Miquelon Crisis of 1941

David Woolner

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021 • 69–108

North Atlantic World: Canada and the Wartime Plans for the Post-War Global Economy, 1941–1947

Hector Mackenzie

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021 • 109–132

The ‘Anglo-Saxon Triangle’ Downplayed by Canada’s Department of External Affairs, 1946–1956

Lara C. A. Silver

2022-09-28 Volume 36 • Issue 1 • 2021 • 133–158