Aims and scope
Radical Americas is an open access, peer reviewed academic journal that explores the historical, political and social contexts that have underpinned radicalism in the Americas, engaging fully with the cross-currents of activism which connect North, Central and South America along with the Caribbean.
The journal’s definition of radicalism is broad; taking inspiration from the words of José Martí, radicalism is here presented as any action or interpretation which ‘goes to the roots’. All scholarship which takes a radical approach is welcomed, even if it is not concerned with the study of radical activism per se, and any work which provides a truly systemic critique of existing structures of power, or challenges conventional interpretations of the past, will find a home in Radical Americas.
Despite disciplinary divides, scholarship on all regions of the Americas has recently been characterised by a preoccupation with culture and cultural analysis. This domination has come at the expense of interpretations which favour economic or social factors, though there are some signs that the impact of the global financial crisis has begun to reverse that trend. The position of this journal is that a holistic critique can never truly be achieved by isolating a single variable. For that reason, the journal is particularly interested in work that fully integrates different facets of human experience, including economic, social, political and cultural factors.
The journal welcomes new submissions from early career and established scholars worldwide. The journal will consider work in a number of different formats: in addition to peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of Western Hemisphere radicalism, the journal runs a variety of regular features, including opinion pieces, photo essays, reviews and archival notes.
Publication frequency: Radical Americas publishes articles continuously (as and when articles are ready for publication).
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Articles published in Radical Americas are indexed in:
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
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- UCL Discovery
Article publication charges
UCL Press journals do not levy an Article-Processing Charge (APC) for submission or publication in Radical Americas. Contributors to Radical Americas will not be required to make an APC payment for submission or publication of their article.
Open access policy
All articles published in the Radical Americas are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC-BY) 4.0 international licence agreement and published open access, making them immediately and freely available to read and download. The CC-BY licence agreement allows authors to retain copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of the work. Further information regarding this can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 and licensing terms and conditions can be found in our Journals Editorial Policy https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy.
Peer review
Radical Americas operates double anonymised peer review, where both the reviewers and authors are anonymised to each during review. Authors should submit an anonymous version of the manuscript, stripped of all identifying references to the author(s) for peer review. Reviewers cannot be from the same institution as the author, based at any funding bodies connected to the paper and cannot be recommended by authors or anyone else connected to the paper.
Further information regarding peer review can be found on the UCL Press editorial policy pages (https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy).
Journal information
ISSN: 2399-4606
Homepage: https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ra
Published by:
UCL Press
University College London (UCL)
Gower Street
UCL Press website: https://www.uclpress.co.uk
UCL Press email: uclpresspublishing@ucl.ac.uk
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UCL Press Journals Editorial Policy: https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/site/editorial_policy
Contact the journal
All general enquiries should be sent to the Editors at radicalamericasjournal@gmail.com.