
Correction to: Risk perception and use of personal care products by race and ethnicity among a diverse population

  • Julia Mandeville orcid logo (Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA)
  • Zeina Alkhalaf (Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA)
  • Charlotte Joannidis (Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA)
  • Michelle Ryan (Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA)
  • Devon Nelson (Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA)
  • Lesliam Quiros-Alcala orcid logo (Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA)
  • Matthew O. Gribble orcid logo (Division of Occupational, Environmental & Climate Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA)
  • Anna Z. Pollack orcid logo (Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA)

How to Cite:

Mandeville, J., Alkhalaf, Z., Joannidis, C., Ryan, M., Nelson, D., Quiros-Alcala, L., Gribble, M. & Pollack, A., (2024) “Correction to: Risk perception and use of personal care products by race and ethnicity among a diverse population”, UCL Open Environment 6(1). doi:

Rights: © 2024 The Authors.


Published on
26 Jun 2024

The original article can be found online at: Mandeville J, Alkhalaf Z, Joannidis C, Ryan M, Nelson D, Quiros-Alcala L, Gribble MO, Pollack AZ. Risk perception and use of personal care products by race and ethnicity among a diverse population. UCL Open: Environment. 2024;(6):04. Available from:

The correct Table 1 is provided (data for Other, under Ethnicity/Race is now in the correct line).

Table 1.

Socio-demographic characteristics of survey participants (n = 770)a

Personal information Mean ± SD
Age (years) 22.82 ± 6.03
n (%)
Ethnicity/Race n = 768
 MENA 50 (6.5)
 Asian or Asian American 154 (20.1)
 Black or African American 109 (14.2)
 Hispanic or Latino 96 (12.5)
 Multiracial 35 (4.6)
 NHW or Caucasian 267 (34.8)
 Other 57(7.4)
Gender n = 769
 Female 502 (65.3)
 Male 258 (33.5)
 Nonbinary/Prefer not to answer 9 (1.2)
Country of birth n = 767
 US 525 (68.4)
 Outside of US 242 (31.6)
Education n = 769
 High school/some college 626 (81.4)
 College graduate 117 (15.2)
 Other 26 (3.4)
  • aParticipants were enrolled in two phases: 2013 and 2016–2017.