Welcome to the Film Education Journal

By bringing together the diverse voices engaged in film education within this single open access journal, the Film Education Journal will explicitly encourage a greater degree of exchange between theory, practice, policy, and pedagogy.

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Film is a distinct medium with a distinct history and, as such, it requires a distinct pedagogy. The Film Education Journal (FEJ) is the world’s only publication committed to exploring how teachers and other educators work with film, and to involve other participants – policymakers, academics, researchers, cultural agencies, and filmmakers themselves – in that conversation. We distinguish film from wider media. In consequence, pedagogical approaches inherited from other subjects, such as the textual study of literature, are not always appropriate for analysing film. In many parts of the world, the study of film is not yet recognized as a discrete subject and has not become a fully integrated part of the curriculum. FEJ aims to lead and shape the developing conversation about the place of film education in diverse educational contexts. We have identified four groups routinely involved in the practice of film education: theorists, educators, film practitioners and policymakers, each coming from a different background yet sharing a common interest. The FEJ exists to occupy the productive middle ground between these groups. We take particular inspiration in this respect from international film cultures that have developed a more holistic sense of how theory, practice, policy, and pedagogy speak to each other.

The Film Education Journal publishes twice a year in, in June and November. We welcome submissions and provide an inclusive, fully non-commercial, open access publishing process. There is no cost to authors at point of submission or publication. Articles are published on this site and accessed via a number of subject specific indexers, repositories, and search databases to maximise readership. Learn more about our publishing process, how to submit and sign up to our Publishing Alerts to keep abreast of our calls for papers and new article releases.

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