Research article

The potential of threshold concepts: an emerging framework for educational research and practice

  • Ursula Lucas
  • Rosina Mladenovic


This paper explores the notion of a 'threshold concept' and discusses its possible implications for higher education research and practice. Using the case of introductory accounting as an illustration, it is argued that the idea of a threshold concept provides an emerging theoretical framework for a 're-view' of educational research and practice. It is argued that this re-view both demands and supports several forms of dialogue about educational research and practice: within the disciplines (between lecturers and between lecturers and students) and between lecturers and educational developers. Finally, it is suggested that, rather than representing a research field in its own right, the threshold concepts framework may act as a catalyst, drawing together a variety of fields of research in a productive educative framework.

How to Cite:

Lucas, U. & Mladenovic, R., (2007) “The potential of threshold concepts: an emerging framework for educational research and practice”, London Review of Education 5(3), 237–248. doi:




Published on
01 Nov 2007
Peer Reviewed