Research article

A new attribute-linked residential property price dataset for England and Wales, 2011–2019

  • Bin Chi orcid logo (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, UK)
  • Adam Dennett orcid logo (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, UK)
  • Thomas Oléron-Evans orcid logo (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, UK)
  • Robin Morphet orcid logo (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, UK)


Current research on residential house price variation in the UK is limited by the lack of an open and comprehensive house price database that contains both transaction price alongside dwelling attributes such as size. This research outlines one approach which addresses this deficiency in England and Wales through combining transaction information from the official open Land Registry Price Paid Data (LR-PPD) and property size information from the official open Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). A four-stage data linkage is created to generate a new linked dataset, representing 79% of the full market sales in the LR-PPD. This new linked dataset offers greater flexibility for the exploration of house price (£/m2) variation in England and Wales at different scales over postcode units between 2011 and 2019. Open access linkage codes will allow for future updates beyond 2019.

Keywords: Land Registry Price Paid Data, Domestic Energy Performance Certificates, data linkage, England and Wales

How to Cite: Chi, B., Dennett, A., Oléron-Evans, T., & Morphet, R. (2021). A new attribute-linked residential property price dataset for England and Wales, 2011–2019. UCL Open Environment, 2.

Rights: © 2021 The Authors.



Published on
27 May 2021
Peer Reviewed


Comparative international analyses of house prices are constrained by differences in definition, data structure, spatial/time scales and coverage. These limit both comparative analysis and within-country analysis of housing markets [1,2]. House price data deficiencies hinder research on residential house price variation in the UK, and limit understanding of the housing market. Modelling of UK-based house price changes dates back to the 1970s [3,4] with much of the data used either aggregated to coarse geographies such as regions or districts or, conversely, associated with individual properties in a specific city. Aggregate sample mortgage data, mainly from building societies, such as the 5% sample survey of Building Society Mortgages and the Nationwide Building Society mortgage data, have been widely used [513]. These datasets lack local nuance but are also problematic due to the potential biases inherent in small samples [14,15]. Conversely, more detailed micro-level housing data such as the local estate agent survey data used by Orford [16] have offered opportunities for local housing analysis, but such datasets are not widely available.

Land Registry Price Paid Data (LR-PPD) have been published as open data since 2013. These data have been transformative for house price variation research in the UK [1720] as they are a comprehensive record of residential transactions at address level in England and Wales dating back to 1995 [21]. Although the Land Registry excludes some types of residential property sales (e.g. ‘Right to buy’ sales at a discount), these data still provide the most accurate picture of residential property sales at full market value in England and Wales [22]. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has used the LR-PPD to calculate official house price statistics such as the House Price Statistics for Small Areas dataset [23] and the official House Price Index [24]. Despite the utility of these data a lack of attribute information relating to the properties, such as total floor size information, is identified as one of the major shortcomings, as the impacts of stock mix on broader patterns cannot be fully accounted for [12,25].

As total floor area is identified as the most important determinant of house price variation [2528], two approaches have been developed in the UK to enhance the LR-PPD by adding total floor area. The first approach, created by Orford [25], adds an estimated total floor area to the LR-PPD. The estimated total floor area is derived from building footprints obtained from Ordnance Survey MasterMap and Environment Agency LiDAR data, but the methods are recognised as problematic for estimating the floor area of flats within a building [25], and for properties where the number of stories cannot be accurately inferred.

The second approach is more direct and links LR-PPD with the total floor area information from Domestic Energy Performance Certificates [2933]. Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (Domestic EPCs) is an open dataset released by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). It not only records a property’s energy performance but also gives building attribute information (i.e., total floor area or number of habitable rooms). Despite this link being feasible, only two research studies have mentioned the linkage rate between LR-PPD and Domestic EPCs and no research has yet published the details of both the linkage method and linkage data [32,33]. Aiming to remedy this situation, we publish our own linkage codes alongside the open access and reusable house price per square metre dataset.

Data description and development

LR-PPD and Domestic EPCs data

The LR-PPD dataset is open, available online and updated on a monthly basis ( The LR-PPD used in this research was downloaded in 2019 and contains 16 items with 24,852,949 transactions in England and Wales between 1/1/1995 and 31/10/2019. For each transaction, there is a unique transaction identifier along with the property’s transaction price, transaction date, address information (postcode, PAON, SAON, street), property type (detached, semi-detached, terraced houses or flats/maisonettes), whether a property is newly built or whether it was sold at full market value [21]. For various reasons, not all the properties within the dataset are sold at full market value, therefore these entries are excluded from the linkage exercise. These excluded entries comprise only 2.90% of the whole dataset.

EPCs have been required by law since 2008 for all properties sold, built or rented in England and Wales. Data from these certificates is open and available on-line from the MHCLG ( The EPC dataset used in this research is the third version downloaded on 20/10/2020 and contains certificates issued between 1/10/2008 and 31/5/2019 [34]. It records 18,575,357 energy performance data records with 84 fields. It not only records a property’s energy performance but also building stock information, such as its address, total floor area and number of habitable rooms.

Data linkage

The data linkage method used here is similar to an earlier published method [35], but with greater granularity in the matching rules. Linkage between the PPD and Domestic EPC dataset is achieved though several phases dealing with successively more complex address matching challenges. Before matching, transactions in the LR-PPD without postcodes in the Domestic EPCs dataset are excluded – this accounts for 0.55% of the data – leaving a total of 23,999,656 transactions for matching. Figure 1 shows an example of the data linkage process, with the basic idea of linkage between these two datasets being to match by full postal delivery address (i.e., postcode plus detailed address strings). These two datasets both contain property information at address level but their address structures differ, thus basic data standardisation is needed. First, all address strings in the Domestic EPCs are capitalised and stored in new variables. These newly created address variables are used to achieve an initial data linkage. To deal with more complex subsequent linkage passes, 183 new variables are created in the LR-PPD and 99 new variables are created in the Domestic EPCs (Appendix A).

Figure 1
Figure 1

An example of the data linkage process.

A matching method containing a four-stage (251 matching rules) process was designed and is outlined in Fig. 2. In the Domestic EPCs, each record is created using a unique identifier named id. Each transaction in the LR-PPD has a unique identifier named transactionid. Taking Stage 1 as an example of the matching process; all the matches are based on a temporary address string (i.e., postcode+saonpaonstreet) with the algorithm testing whether postcode+saonpaonstreet in LR-PPD is equal to any postcode +ADDRE in the Domestic EPCs. Where they match directly, records for both datasets are joined, removed from the original data and stored in a new temporary linked data table, DATA 1. For records where a match is not achieved on the first pass, the algorithm moves onto a further set of matching tests in Stage 2.

Figure 2
Figure 2

Workflow of the four-stage data linkage between LR-PPD and Domestic EPCs.

Problems emerge where one property may have more than one Domestic EPC. Where this is the case, only property transactions with just one successfully linked EPC will be moved from the temporary DATA 1 and directly stored in the final linked-EPC PPD dataset. Property transactions with successful links to more than one EPC are stored in a separate dataset, DATA 3. These data are filtered to select all Domestic EPCs for which total floor area is neither NULL nor 0 and then linked where the EPC inspection date or lodgement date is closest to the transaction date in the LR-PPD. This result will then be stored in the final linked-EPC PPD dataset. Stages 2 to 4 follow a similar process to Stage 1. The linked-EPC PPD dataset is the data linkage result. These data linkage results link back to the original Domestic EPCs and to the LR-PPD by their unique identifiers.

Following the four-stage data linkage, 16,846,834 transaction records in England and Wales between 1995 and 2019 were successfully linked with Domestic EPCs. These comprise the linked dataset. The match rate of transactions in England is shown in Fig. 3. The match rate between 2011 and 2019 is higher than 90%, while the match rate of the rest of the period is considerably lower, this is mainly due to the EPCs dataset only covering the period between 1/10/2008 and 31/8/2019. The match rate of 56.20% in 2008 is particularly low but rapidly increases to over 88% after 2010. As the match rate before 2008 is significantly lower than for the period after 2008, only the linked data between 2009 and 2019 are used to conduct the evaluation of data linkage.

Figure 3
Figure 3

Match rate of linked house price data in England and Wales, 1995–2019.

Technical validation

Evaluation of the data linkage between 2009 and 2019

Match rates offer a crude way to quantify the matching performance, but visual comparison of the house price frequency distributions for the new linked data and original LR-PPD data reveals a clearer picture of matching performance. Histograms of the logarithm of transaction price from both datasets are shown in Fig. 4. In each graph, the distribution of the linked data (blue) is overlaid onto the distribution of the original LR-PPD dataset (white). The area of visible white bars represents the proportion of un-matched cases. Importantly, there was no significant loss of information as a result of un-matched cases in the data linkage between 2010 and 2019.

Figure 4
Figure 4

House price distribution of original data and linked data, 2009–2019.

The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K-S test) and the Jeffreys divergence (J-divergence) can be used to quantify the extent of house price information lost. The K-S test is a nonparametric test that examines the differences in the shape of a distribution. The K-S test, statistic D, is based on the maximum absolute difference between two cumulative distribution functions. Here, the test will be used to quantify the difference of two house price distributions (original data vs. linked data). The Jeffreys divergence (J-divergence), derived from information theory, is a function used to establish the distance of one probability distribution to another [3638]. To calculate the J-divergence, the data from two different samples must first be assigned to k different categories. In the case of this research, these categories are a simple subdivision of the log house price into bins. The J-divergence is then defined as

J = j = 1 k p j ln ( p j q j ) + j = 1 k q j ln ( q j p j ) (1)

where k is the number of categories, pj is the proportion of data points in category j in the original house price data, and qj is the proportion of data points in category j in the linked house price data. The final divergence measure, J, ranges from 0 to 1. If the distribution of both data samples across all the categories is the same, J will be 0. Larger values of J indicate greater differences between the two distributions.

To compute the J-divergence, the original data and linked data are divided into 100 bins, the 100 bins are created based on the 100 equal intervals of log house price in the original data in a given year. The results of the J-divergence and K-S tests are shown in Fig. 5. The p-values of all the K-S tests are less than 0.05 (the conventional default threshold for statistical significance), indicating a statistically significant difference between the original house price data and the linked house price data. The D statistic is relatively low (less than 0.007) after 2010. This demonstrates that the house price datasets before and after linkage are highly similar after 2010. The J-divergence results also show that the linked data exhibits relatively low information loss after 2010. Given the information lost in terms of J-divergence is slightly higher in 2010 compared to the loss after 2010, the newly created house price data from 2011 to 2019 is more representative than that for other years. Therefore we keep the 2011 to 2019 time period.

Figure 5
Figure 5

Results of K-S test and J-divergence method.

Linked dataset between 2011 and 2019

There were 7,249,259 full market value transactions in England and Wales between 1/1/2011 and 31/10/2019. Of these 6,753,335 have been successfully linked to EPC records. The overall match rate for this period is 93.15%. To support more advanced understanding of match rate spatially, the National Statistics Postcode Lookup (NSPL) (November 2019 version) is used to geo-reference both the linked data and original pre-linked LR-PPD by postcode to 2011 Census Output Area (OA) code, Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) code and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) code [23]. Then the ONS hierarchical lookup table [39] is used to relate the OAs with Local authorities (LAs) and Regions information. Twenty-eight linked transactions and 3001 transactions in LR-PPD were lost during this process.

With the geo-referenced data, the overall match rates between 2011 and 2019 by LA (Fig. 6) are not equally distributed. Ninety-two percent of LAs in England and Wales have a match rate over 90%. Only two LAs (City of London and Isles of Scilly) have a match rate under 80%, these are 71.65% and 76.65%, respectively. The remaining 8% of LAs (26 LAs) show a match rate between 80% and 89.81%.

Figure 6
Figure 6

Overall match rates at local authority level between 2011 and 2019.

Looking at annual match rates across LAs in England and Wales (Fig. 7), 70% of LAs represent an annual match rate over 90% from 2011 to 2019, while 98% of the LAs represent an annual match rate over 80%. Figure 7 colours the six LAs with annual match rates lower than 80%. They are Isles of Scilly, City of London, Camden, Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster. Only two LAs (City of London and Isles of Scilly), both of which are small in terms of their numbers of transactions, show an obvious fluctuation during this nine-year period. The rates between 2011 and 2019 are, for the remaining 346 LAs, very stable over time with a slight fall after 2015. Overall, the majority of LAs with a high match rate in 2011 maintained a high rate subsequently.

Figure 7
Figure 7

Match rate across local authority in England and Wales, 2011–2019.

Properties that feature in the LR-PPD (1/1/2011–31/10/2019) are not fully available in Domestic EPCs (1/10/2008–31/8/2019), this is the main reason for unequal match rates across LAs. For 18,980 transactions (2011–2019) relating to 6375 postcode units, Domestic EPCs cannot be found. For example, Domestic EPCs in the City of London at postcode ‘EC2Y 9BB’ are not available hence transactions in ‘EC2Y 9BB’ cannot be successfully matched, 0.26% of house price transactions in the LR-PPD (1/1/2011–31/10/2019) fail to link for this reason. Some transactions in the LR-PPD can relate to a postcode unit which is also identified in the EPC data but contain no matching property identifiers. For example, one flat sold in 2011 in Camden failed to match because Domestic EPCs are not available for this property. The potential reasons for non-availability of property records in Domestic EPCs could be that records have been incorrectly loaded by the surveyor or that the property owner has opted out.

Data cleaning

Of the linked data, 6,753,307 records can be geo-referenced by linking the NSPL between 1/1/2011 and 31/10/2019 in England and Wales. This data comprises the transaction information in the LR-PPD together with property size (total floor area and number of habitable rooms) in the EPCs. Some properties’ total floor area and number of habitable rooms are recorded in the EPCs with missing or unlikely values (e.g., total floor area records as 0.01). This data is excluded prior to analysis. All the excluded transactions along with cleaning methods are listed in Table 1, which accounts for 15.11% of the linked geo-referenced data.

Table 1.

List of transactions excluded from the linked geo-referenced data

No. Method Transaction count Proportion of all excluded transactions
1 Transactions where total floor area or number of habitable rooms are NA or 0. 1,016,247 99.59%
2 Transactions where total total floor area is smaller than 9 m2 or larger than 974 m2. 555 0.05%
3 Transactions where total price per m2 is larger than 50,000 £/m2 or price per m2 is smaller than 200 £/m2. 841 0.08%
4 Transactions where floor area per habitable room is larger than 100 m2. 887 0.09%
5 Transactions where the number of habitable rooms is larger than 20. 476 0.05%
6 Transactions where floor area per habitable room is smaller than 6.51 m2. 1,463 0.14%
Overall 1,020,469 100%

After removing the transactions listed in Table 1, 5,732,838 transactions are left. This represents 79.11% of full market property sales in the LR-PPD in England and Wales between 1/1/2011 and 31/10/2019. This linked dataset, like the LR-PPD, fully covers all the regional areas, local authorities and MSOAs in England and Wales. The LR-PPD covers 99.99% of LSOAs and this is also the same for the final linked data. Although the newly linked data is not as comprehensive as the LR-PPD, it is the largest open access house price dataset in England and Wales (1/1/2011–31/10/2019) containing both the transaction price and total floor area.

Dataset access

The final linked dataset details 5,732,838 transactions in England and Wales (1/1/2011–31/10/2019). It not only adds in a property’s total floor area and the number of habitable rooms, but also includes a new unique identifier (i.e., id) and other non-address fields (except LMK_KEY field) in the Domestic EPC dataset. Codes for other commonly used spatial units from Output Area (OA) to region are also included in this dataset. It contains 105 fields written in upper or lower case. All the fields written in upper case come from Domestic EPCs, the 33 remaining fields written in lower case are introduced in Github (

The linked, original EPCs and LR-PPD datasets are stored in CSV format and deposited in UKDA ReShare [40]. Postcode and address elements in the linked data stem from address information in LR-PPD, which is subject to Royal Mail copyright. The Royal Mail confirmed on 25/8/2020 that this linked data can be shared both by the first author and by the UK Data Service on the same terms as the original datasets. Therefore the linked data is under a licence that precludes commercial use. Meanwhile, the data linkage is conducted in R and stored in PostGIS. They are also open available in the UKDA ReShare under the same licence [40].

Potential dataset use and reuse

The newly linked dataset offers directly useable information on house price per square metre along with transaction price, total floor area, number of habitable rooms, transaction date and commonly used geographical area identifiers at and over postcode geographical level in England and Wales. As the LR-PPD data for the most recent two months may be incomplete due to the delay between the property transaction and its registration in Land Registry [21], we suggest researchers use transactions before 31/8/2019. This could support quantitative house price research in terms of house price variation within England and Wales after 2011 at multi-geographical scales over postcode level [41]. It also can be used to explore the relationship between house price and a property’s energy performance [30,31,42]. In addition, as the LR-PPD is updated monthly and the Domestic EPCs are updated two or four times a year, the open access codes will allow for future updates and thereby maintain a continuously updated dataset of residential property prices in England and Wales.

In this paper, we provide three technical validation approaches (section: Technical validation) to inform potential users of the data quality issues associated with different years in the dataset. In Table 1, a series of rules are described which we have used to exclude potential errors in the dataset. These are our suggestions and very reasonably, users could develop their own exclusion criteria for use with the raw linked data. In this dataset, before the data linkage, all transactions designated as category B (Additional Price Paid entry) and other property types are removed. Researchers could add these entries back in by modifying the related code shared via the UK Data Service Reshare service ( To further benefit non-commercial users who would like to access the latest orginal linkage dataset before the technical validation process, we will annually publish a simple version of the latest raw linkage data via the Greater London Authority (GLA)’s London Datastore.

For users who would like to update the linkage dataset themselves with the linkage code, the Domestic EPCs downloaded may be different from the third version used in this paper. For example, by the time this paper was under open review in February 2021, Domestic EPCs had reached their sixth released version (1/10/2008–20/9/2020). This new version covers more variables than the third version (e.g., building’s construction age band). Moreover, this sixth version has a different sample size of Domestic EPCs for the same time period compared with the third version. The reasons for this difference are complex, although one of the main reasons is that some property owners are withdrawing their EPC records from the publicly available platform. For users who use the latest linked data to explore house prices during the coronavirus pandemic, we highly recommend Neal Hudson’s blog [43] to gain an understanding of how the pandemic increased the HM Land Registry time lag in registrations.


The linkage method was orignally created to enrich the geo-referenced house price dataset in England before 31/7/2017 [35], it still shows a smiliar performance when updated with new published house prices and covers Wales as shown in this research. Within the linkage, properties in the LR-PPD and Domestic EPC dataset have slightly different names (e.g., ‘CLEATOR STREET’ vs. ‘CLEATER STREET’). We manually correct this type of mismatched address string for the properties located in England and record this correction within the linkage codes. This contributes to a less than 1% increase in the total matching rate. Our futher linkage research is to focus on fixing this issue in Wales and for the newly updated transactions in England.

We expect that this new house price dataset will enable new research directions in UK housing analysis. To date, most hedonic house price models have had to contend with the confounding influence of variations in dwelling size in different housing market areas. This new dataset will enable more parsimonious models of price variation to be explored where proxies for size can be dispensed with.


This research was co-funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC No. 201708060184) and University College London’s Overseas Research Scholarship scheme. The authors would like to thank David Lockett and Caroline Bray of Land Registry, who offered guidance on the LR-PPD. Thanks also to Jessica Williamson and Jake Mulley, who helped to transfer our questions on EPCs to the teams in MHCLG, allowing the authors to deepen their understanding of this dataset at the end of this research. The authors also would like to thank Rob Liddiard of the UCL Energy Institute for sharing his expertise regarding Domestic EPC data during the earlier stages of this research.

Declarations and conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest in connection to this article.

Open data and materials availability

The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available in the repository:


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Appendix A

Table A.

New address variables created from LR-PPD and Domestic EPC datasets for data linkage

Variable Create method Dataset
ADD1 Capitalise all strings in ADDRESS1, then remove leading and trailing whitespaces Domestic EPCs
ADD2 Capitalise all strings in ADDRESS2, then remove leading and trailing whitespaces Domestic EPCs
ADD3 Capitalise all strings in ADDRESS3, then remove leading and trailing whitespaces Domestic EPCs
ADD Capitalise all strings in ADDRESS, then remove leading and trailing whitespaces Domestic EPCs
ADD2NEW Delete all ‘-’ in the ADD2 Domestic EPCs
ADDC Delete all ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDU Delete the ‘UNIT’ string in the ADD, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADDC3 Delete all commas in ADDC Domestic EPCs
ADDCC Delete all ‘-’, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDCCC Delete all commas in ADDCC Domestic EPCs
ADDC4 Delete all ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘-’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDC6 Delete all ‘’’, commas and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDRE Delete all blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDREC Delete all commas in ADDRE Domestic EPCs
ADD1C Delete all ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD1CC Delete all ‘-’ punctuation characters in ADD1C Domestic EPCs
ADD1C2 Delete all commas in ADD1C Domestic EPCs
ADD1C3 Delete all commas and blank spaces in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD1C6 Delete the ‘UNIT’ in ADD1, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1C4 Delete all ‘’’ punctuation characters in ADD1C3 Domestic EPCs
ADD1C5 Delete all ‘.’ and blank spaces in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD1C7 Delete all commas and blank spaces in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD1C8 Delete all commas in ADD1C5 Domestic EPCs
ADD1C9 Delete all blank spaces in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD1C10 Delete all ‘/’ punctuation characters in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD12C2 Delete all commas in ADD12 Domestic EPCs
ADD12C Delete all ‘.’, ‘’’, ‘/’ punctuation characters in ADD12 Domestic EPCs
ADD12C1 Delete all ‘.’, ‘’’, ‘/’ punctuation characters and commas in ADD12 Domestic EPCs
ADD12C3 Delete all ‘.’, ‘’’, ‘/’, ‘-’ punctuation characters and commas in the ADD12 Domestic EPCs
ADD12C4 Delete all ‘.’, ‘-’, ‘/’ and blank spaces in ADD12 Domestic EPCs
ADD12C5 Delete all ‘.’, ‘,’ and blank spaces in ADD12 Domestic EPCs
ADD13C Delete ‘.’, ‘’’, ‘/’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD13 Domestic EPCs
ADD13C1 Delete all commas in ADD13C Domestic EPCs
ADD13C2 Delete all commas in ADD13 Domestic EPCs
ADD23C Delete ‘.’, ‘’’, ‘/’ punctuation characters in ADD23 Domestic EPCs
ADD23C1 Delete all commas in ADD23C Domestic EPCs
ADD161 For the ADD1 containing a comma, select the text before the first comma Domestic EPCs
ADD161x Select the text before the first comma in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
ADD162 For the ADD1 containing a comma, select the strings after the first comma Domestic EPCs
ADD165 For the ADD1 containing a comma and ‘.’ punctuation characters, select the strings after the first comma, then delete the ‘.’ punctuation character Domestic EPCs
add1sp If ADD2 does not start with number string and also ADD1 does not contain a word with one character, select the strings before the first blank space in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
add63 Delete all ‘-’ and ‘.’ in ADD162 Domestic EPCs
add1nn Delete all ‘NO’ strings in ADD1, then delete all commas Domestic EPCs
ADD1df1 Delete ‘FLAT’ string in ADD1 and then select first word boundary, then delete all commas Domestic EPCs
ADD1du Delete the ‘UNIT’ string in ADD1, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD163 Select all strings before the first blank space in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
add261 For the ADD2 containing a comma, select all strings before the first comma Domestic EPCs
add263 Select all strings before the first blank space in ADD2, then delete all commas Domestic EPCs
add31 Delete ‘’’,‘.’ and ‘/’ in ADD3 Domestic EPCs
fladd1c Delete all blank spaces in fladd1 Domestic EPCs
fladdc Delete all commas in the fladd Domestic EPCs
ADD1dff If the ADD1 has ‘FLAT’, delete ‘FLAT’ string in ADD1 Domestic EPCs
add264 Select the strings after the first blank space in ADD2 Domestic EPCs
add2641 Select the strings after the first comma in ADD2 Domestic EPCs
apADD1 Delete ‘-’, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ ‘,’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in apadd1 Domestic EPCs
ADDr61 For the ADD containing a comma, select strings before the first comma Domestic EPCs
ADDr62 For the ADD containing a comma, select all strings after the first comma, then delete the ‘-’, ‘’’, ‘.’ and ‘/’ punctuation characters Domestic EPCs
add361 For the ADD3 containing a comma, then select the text before the first comma Domestic EPCs
ADDC5 Delete all ‘/’, ‘.’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDC8 Delete all ‘.’,‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDC9 Delete all ‘.’,‘’’ and ‘/’ punctuation characters in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADDC10 Delete all ‘-’, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’, ‘,’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in ADD Domestic EPCs
ADD262 For the ADD2 containing a comma, then select all strings after the first comma Domestic EPCs
add1f61 If the ADD1 in EPC data has ‘FLAT’ string, delete the ‘FLAT’ string, then keep all strings before the first blank space, and then delete all commas Domestic EPCs
add1f61f2 Combine ‘FLAT’ and add1f61 with a blank space, then combine ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas Domestic EPCs
add1f61f3 Combine ‘FLAT’ and add1f61 with a blank space, then combine ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
adddap Delete the ‘APARTMENT’ string in ADD, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
saonn Delete all ‘/’ punctuation characters in SAON LR-PPD
paonn Delete all ‘’’, ‘.’ punctuation characters in PAON LR-PPD
paonn2 Delete all commas and blank spaces in PAON LR-PPD
paonn3 Delete all ‘-’ and blank spaces in paonn LR-PPD
streetn Delete all ‘’’ punctuation characters in street LR-PPD
streetn1 Delete ‘-’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in street LR-PPD
streetn2 Delete ‘-’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces in street LR-PPD
streetn5 Delete ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters in street LR-PPD
localityn Delete all ‘’’, ‘.’ punctuation characters in locality LR-PPD
saonpaonstreet31 Delete all commas in saonpaonstreet3 LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetn31 Delete all commas in saonpaonstreetn3 LR-PPD
paon61 For the PAON containing comma, grab the strings before the first comma LR-PPD
paon61c Delete all blank spaces in paon61 LR-PPD
paon61x Select the strings before the first comma LR-PPD
paon62 For the PAON containing a comma, subset the strings after the first comma LR-PPD
paon62c Subset the strings after the first comma in PAON LR-PPD
saonpaon62cstreetn2 Combine SAON and paon62c with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon62cstreetn Combine SAON and paon62c with a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon62cstreet Combine SAON and paon62c with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon64 Subset the string before the first blank space in PAON LR-PPD
paon641 Subset the string after the first blank space in PAON LR-PPD
paon65 For the PAON containing a comma, extract the last word from PAON LR-PPD
paon65n For the paonn containing a comma, extract the last word from paonn LR-PPD
saon2 Delete ‘APARTMENT’ string in SAON LR-PPD
fldsaon If SAON contains ‘FLAT’ string and PAON does not start with number string. Then delete ‘FLAT’ string in SAON LR-PPD
fldsaon1 If SAON contains ‘FLAT’ string and PAON starts with number string. Then delete ‘FLAT’ string in SAON LR-PPD
saon7 Replace ‘FLAT’ string by ‘APARTMENT’ string in SAON LR-PPD
saon71 Replace ‘FLAT’ string by ‘APARTMENT’ string in saonn LR-PPD
saonn4 Delete ‘FLAT’ string in saonn LR-PPD
saon1 Replace ‘APARTMENT’ string by ‘FLAT’ string in saonn LR-PPD
saonn2 Delete ‘APARTMENT’ string in saonn LR-PPD
saonn3 Delete ‘.’ and ‘/’ in SAON LR-PPD
ADD1num Extract the number string in ADD1 LR-PPD
saonn5 If the SAON contains ‘APARTMENT’, replace ‘APARTMENT’ string by ‘UNIT’ string in SAON and then delete ‘/’ punctuation characters LR-PPD
sao1 Replace ‘APARTMENT’ string by ‘FLAT’ string in SAON LR-PPD
saon8 If SAON contains the ‘LOFT’ string, replace ‘LOFT’ by ‘FLAT’ LR-PPD
saon4 Delete ‘FLAT’ string in SAON LR-PPD
paon6164 Select the number string from paon61 LR-PPD
paon6163 Select all non-digitals from paon61 LR-PPD
paon11 Delete all comma in the PAON LR-PPD
ADD12 Combine ADD1 and ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD12C6 Combine ADD1 and ADD2 with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD12new Combine ADD1 and ADD2NEW with a blank space, then delete all ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters, blank spaces and commas Domestic EPCs
ADD13 Combine ADD1 and ADD3 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD23 Combine ADD2 and ADD3 with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD66 For ADD162 containing ‘-’ punctuation characters, delete ‘-’ in ADD162, then combine ADD161 and ADD162 with a comma and a blank space Domestic EPCs
ADD662 Combine ADD66 and ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD67 Combine ADD161 and ADD165 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADDSP12 Combine add1sp and add2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD68 Combine add161 and add63 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all ‘’’ and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD69 Combine add1nn and ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1632 Combine ADD163 and ADD2 with a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
flADD Combine ‘FLAT’ string and ADD with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD2611 Combine add261 and add1 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
fladd1 Combine ‘FLAT’ and ADD1 with a blank space Domestic EPCs
fladd Combine ‘FLAT’ and ADD with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
flADD13 Combine fladd1 and add31 with a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD5 Combine add263 and ADD1dff, then combine add264, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
apadd1 Combine ‘APARTMENT’ and ADD1 with a blank space Domestic EPCs
ADDr66 Combine ADDr61 and ADDr62 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD6 Combine ADD1 and ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then combine add361 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and blank spaces Domestic EPCs
add12643 Combine ADD1 and add264 with a comma and a blank space, then combine ADD3 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1264 Combine ADD1 and add2641 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas Domestic EPCs
ADD1265 Combine ADD1 and add264 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD8 Combine ADD1C10 and ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD7 Combine ADD161x and ADD2 with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1num2 Combine ADD1num and ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘’’ punctuation characters and all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1262 Combine ADD1 and ADD262 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1263 Combine ADD1 and ADD2641 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces Domestic EPCs
ADD1262C Combine ADD1 and ADD262 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas Domestic EPCs
ADD1262cc Combine ADD1 and ADD262 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and ‘’’ Domestic EPCs
apadd1632 Combine ‘APARTMENT’ and add163 with a blank space, then combine with ADD2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas Domestic EPCs
saonpaonstreet Combine SAON and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreet5 Combine SAON and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonpaonstreet1 Combine SAON and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreet2 Combine SAON and PAON with a blank space and then remove leading and trailing whitespaces, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetn Combine saonn and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetn1 Combine saonn and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetn2 Combine saonn and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonlo Combine SAON and PAON with a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonlon Combine saonn and paonn with a blank space, then combine localityn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreet3 Combine SAON and PAON with a blank space and then remove leading and trailing whitespaces, then delete combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetn3 Combine saonn and paonn with a blank space, then delete combine streetn with a blank space and then remove leading and trailing whitespaces, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetlo Combine SAON and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space and then remove the leading and trailing whitespaces, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreetnlo Combine saonn and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space and then remove the leading and trailing whitespaces, then combine localityn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon1 Combine SAON and PAON with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon2 Combine SAON and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank space and all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon3 Combine SAON and PAON with a comma and a blank space LR-PPD
paonstreetlo Combine PAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreetnlo Combine paonn and streetn with a comma and a blank space, then combine localityn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreetlo1 Combine PAON and street with a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreetnlo1 Combine paonn and streetn with a blank space, then combine localityn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreetlo2 Combine PAON and street with a blank space, then combine locality with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paonstreetn Combine paonn and streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon66 Combine paon62 and paon61 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon65streetlo Combine paon65 and street with a comma and a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon65streetnlo Combine paon65n and streetn with a comma and a blank space, then combine localityn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon65streetlo1 Combine paon65 and street with a blank space, then combine locality with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paon61streetlo Combine paon61 and street with a comma and a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon61streetlo1 Combine paon61 and street with a blank space, then combine locality with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paon61lo Combine paon61 and locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon61street Combine paon61 and street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paon65street Combine paon65 and street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paon66streetlo Combine paon62 and paon61 with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then combine locality with a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces LR-PPD
paon61new Combine ‘THE’ and paon61 with a blank space LR-PPD
paonstreetlo3 Combine PAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paonstreet Combine PAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreetn1 Combine PAON and streetn1 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all commas and blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreet1 Combine PAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreet2 Combine PAON and street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon62streetlo Combine paon62 and street with a comma and a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon62streetlo1 Combine paon62 and street with a blank space, then combine locality with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paonflat Combine ‘FLAT’ string and PAON with a blank space LR-PPD
paonfstreet Combine paonflat with street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonap Combine ‘APARTMENT’ string and PAON with a blank space LR-PPD
paonapstreet Combine paonap with street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonfstreet1 Combine paonflat with street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonfstreetn5 Combine paonflat with streetn5 with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreet3 Combine PAON and street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paonapstreet1 Combine paonap with street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonapstreet2 Combine paonap with street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
paonapstreetn5 Combine paonap with streetn5 with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonstreet4 Replace ‘FLAT’ by ‘APARTMENT’ in paonstreet3 LR-PPD
paonfl1 Combine ‘FLAT,’ string and strings in PAON with a blank space LR-PPD
paonf1streetn5 Combine paonfl1 with streetn5 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonfstreetn6 Combine paonflat with streetn5 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flpaon3streetn5 Combine ‘FLAT’ string and PAON with a blank space, then combine with streetn5 with a blank space then delete all blank space and ‘-’ punctuation characters LR-PPD
saonpaon65street Combine SAON and paon65 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon62streetn2 Combine SAON and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon61street Combine SAON and paon61 with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonpaon61xstreet Combine SAON and paon61x with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonpaonn Combine saonn and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2street Combine saon2 and street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paon61street Combine saon2 and paon61 with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreet0 Combine flsaon and PAON with a comma and a blank space and then combine street with a comma and a blank space LR-PPD
flsaonpaon1 Combine flsaon and PAON with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaon2 Combine flsaon and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaon3 Combine flsaon3 and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaon For the SAON starts with number string, combine ‘FLAT’ string with SAON with a blank space LR-PPD
flsaon1 For the SAON starts with number string, combine ‘FLAT’ string with saonn with a blank space LR-PPD
flsaon3 Combine ‘FLAT’ string with SAON with a blank space LR-PPD
flsaon1paonstreetn2 Combine flsaon1 with paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine the streetn2 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreet1 Combine flsaon with PAON with a blank space, then combine the street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
flsaonpaon62street1 Combine flsaon and paon62 with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
fldsaonpaonstreet1 Combine fldsaon and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saon7paonstreet1 Combine saon7 and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon7paonstreet2 Combine saon7 and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
apsaon For SAON starts with number string, combine ‘APARTMENT’ string with SAON with a blank space LR-PPD
apsaonpaonstreet1 Combine apsaon and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saon7paonstreetn Combine saon71 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon7paonn Combine saon7 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon7paon Combine saon7 and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon4paonstreetn Combine saonn4 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon4paonstreetn1 Combine saonn4 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
apsaonpaon6streetn Combine apsaon and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreetn Combine ‘FLAT’ string with SAON with a blank space, then combine paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine with streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon4paonstreetn3 Combine saonn4 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon4paonstreetn4 Combine saonn4 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paonstreetn Combine saon1 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paonstreetn1 Combine saon1 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paonstreetn2 Combine saon1 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saon2paonstreetn3 Combine saonn2 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paonstreetn2 Combine saonn2 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonn2paonn1 Combine saonn2 and paonn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon62street Combine SAON and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paonstreetn Combine saonn2 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonn3paonnstreet Combine saonn3 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonn2paonn1streetn Combine saonn2 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon62streetn1 Combine SAON and paon62c with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paonstreet6n Combine saon1 and paon62c with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paonstreet6n1 Combine saon1 and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paonstreetn4 Combine saonn2 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon5paonstreetn1 Combine saonn5 and paonn with a blank space, then combine streetn with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonsaon2streetn Combine paonn and saonn2 with a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paon62saonpstreet Combine paon62 and SAON with a blank space, then combine paon61 with a blank space and then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonpaon66street Combine SAON and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine paon61 with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saon1paonstreetn3 Combine saon1 and paonn with a comma and a blank space, then combine streetn with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paonstreet Combine sao1 and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paonlo Combine saon2 and PAON with a blank space, then combine locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paon Combine sao1 and PAON with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paon61street Combine sao1 and paon61c with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paon1 Combine sao1 and PAON with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
psaonpaonstreet Combine paon64 and SAON, then combine paon641 with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saon2paon62street Combine saon2 and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paonstreet Combine saon2 and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreet Combine flsaon with PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine the street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
psaon8street Combine PAON and fldsaon1, then combine street with a blank space then delete all the blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonstreet Combine SAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonstreet1 Combine SAON and street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonstreet2 Combine SAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonstreet3 Combine SAON and street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonstreetlo Combine SAON and street with a comma and a blank space, then combine with locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
unsaonpaonstreet2 Combine ‘UNIT’ string with SAON with a blank space, then combing PAON with a blank space, then combine with street with a comma and a blank space and then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreet2 Combine flsaon3 with PAON with a blank space, then combine the street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon7paon6street Combine saon7 and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon8paonstreet2 Combine saon8 and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonlo For PAON start with number string, combine PAON and locality with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreet3 Combine flsaon3 with PAON with a blank space, then combine the street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
saonpaon62steet Combine SAON and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaon61street Combine flsaon with paon61 with a blank space, then combine the street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces and commas LR-PPD
flsaonpaon61street1 Combine flsaon with paon61 with a blank space, then combine the street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon4paonstreet Combine saon4 with PAON with a blank space, then combine the street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon61street1 Combine SAON and paon61 with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
flsaonpaonstreet4 Combine flsaon3 with PAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine the street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonsaonstreet Combine PAON and SAON, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon61 Combine SAON and paon61 with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
paonsaonstreet1 Combine PAON and SAON with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
apsaonpaon Combine apsaon and PAON with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon1paon62street Combine sao1 and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
apsaonpaon62street1 Combine apsaon and paon62 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saon2paonstreet1 Combine saon2 and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank spaces LR-PPD
apsaonpaonstreet2 Combine apsaon and PAON with a blank space, then combine street with a comma and a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
psaonpstreet Combine paon6164 and SAON, then combine paon6163 with a blank space, then combine paon62 with a comma and then combine street with a comma and a blank space and delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaonstreet11 Combine SAON and paon11 with a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD
saonpaon65street1 Combine SAON and paon65 with a comma and a blank space, then combine street with a blank space, then delete all blank spaces LR-PPD

Appendix B

Table B.

Details of matching rules in four stages

Stage No. Matching rule No. Matching rule1
Stage 1 Matching rule 1 saonpaonstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 2 saonpaonstreet1=ADDRE
Matching rule 3 saonpaonstreet2=ADDRE
Matching rule 4 saonpaonstreetn=ADDC
Matching rule 5 saonpaonstreetn1=ADDC
Matching rule 6 saonpaonstreetn2=ADDC
Matching rule 7 saonpaonlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 8 saonpaonlon=ADDC
Matching rule 9 saonpaonlon=ADDCC
Matching rule 10 saonpaonstreet=ADD12
Matching rule 11 saonpaonstreet1=ADD12
Matching rule 12 saonpaonstreet2=ADD12
Matching rule 13 saonpaonstreetn=ADD12C
Matching rule 14 saonpaonstreetn1=ADD12C
Matching rule 15 saonpaonstreetn2=ADD12C
Matching rule 16 saonpaonstreet3=ADD12
Matching rule 17 saonpaonstreetn3=ADD12C1
Matching rule 18 saonpaonstreetlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 19 saonpaonstreetnlo=ADDC
Matching rule 20 saonpaonstreetlo=ADD12
Matching rule 21 saonpaonstreet3=ADDRE
Matching rule 22 saonpaonstreetn3=ADDC
Matching rule 23 saonpaonlo=ADD12
Matching rule 24 saonpaonlon=ADD12C
Matching rule 25 saonpaon1=ADDRE
Matching rule 26 saonpaonstreet31=ADDREC
Matching rule 27 saonpaonstreetn31=ADDC3
Stage 2 Matching rule 28 paonstreetlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 29 paonstreetnlo=ADDC
Matching rule 30 paonstreetlo=ADD12
Matching rule 31 paonstreetnlo=ADD12C
Matching rule 32 paonstreetlo1=ADDRE
Matching rule 33 paonstreetnlo1=ADDC
Matching rule 34 paonstreetlo1=ADD12
Matching rule 35 paonstreetnlo1=ADD12C
Matching rule 36 paonstreetlo2=ADD12C2
Matching rule 37 paonstreetlo2=ADDREC
Matching rule 38 paonstreetn=ADD12C3
Matching rule 39 For the street is null, paonn3=ADD1CC
Matching rule 40 paon66=ADD1CC
Stage 3 Matching rule 41 paon65streetlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 42 paon65streetlo=ADD12
Matching rule 43 paon65streetnlo=ADDCC
Matching rule 44 paon65streetlo1=ADDREC
Matching rule 45 paon61streetlo=ADDC
Matching rule 46 paon61streetlo1=ADDREC
Matching rule 47 paon61streetlo1=ADDC3
Matching rule 48 paon61streetlo1=ADD12C1
Matching rule 49 paon61lo=ADD12C
Matching rule 50 paon61street=ADD12C1
Matching rule 51 paon61street=ADD13C1
Matching rule 52 paon65street=ADDC3
Matching rule 53 paon65street=ADD1C2
Matching rule 54 paon66streetlo=ADDCCC
Matching rule 55 paon66streetlo=ADD12C3
Matching rule 56 paon65streetlo1=ADD23C1
Matching rule 57 paon61new=ADD1
Matching rule 58 paonstreetlo3=ADD12new
Matching rule 59 paonstreetlo3=ADD13C1
Matching rule 60 paonstreetlo3=ADD13C2
Matching rule 61 paonstreet=ADD1C3
Matching rule 62 PAON=ADD1
Matching rule 63 paonstreetlo3=ADD662
Matching rule 64 paonstreet=ADD67
Matching rule 65 If street in PPD is not null, then paonstreet=ADDSP12
Matching rule 66 paonstreetn1=ADD1C4
Matching rule 67 paonstreet=ADDU
Matching rule 68 paonstreet1=ADD68
Matching rule 69 paonstreet1=ADD69
Matching rule 70 Having corrected the mismatched address strings in ADD1 in EPC dataset, then paonstreet1=ADD1C5
Matching rule 71 Having corrected the mismatched address strings in ADD1 in EPC dataset, then paonstreet2=ADD1C5
Matching rule 72 Having corrected the mismatched address strings in ADD1 in EPC dataset, then paonn2=ADD1C6
Matching rule 73 Having corrected the mismatched address strings in ADD1 in EPC dataset, if SAON in PPD is null and ADD in EPCs does not contain a hyphenated number string then
, paonstreet3=ADDCCC
Matching rule 74 If paon61 does not contain ‘FLAT’, ‘FLOOR’ and number strings in PPD data, then paon62streetlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 75 If paon61 does not contain ‘FLAT’, ‘FLOOR’ and number strings in PPD data, then paon62streetlo=ADD12
Matching rule 76 If paon61 does not contain ‘FLAT’, ‘FLOOR’ and number strings in PPD data, then paon65streetnlo=ADDCC
Matching rule 77 If paon61 does not contain ‘FLAT’, ‘FLOOR’ and number strings in PPD data, then paon62streetlo1=ADDREC
Matching rule 78 paon61streetlo=ADDC
Matching rule 79 paon61streetlo1=ADDREC
Matching rule 80 paon61streetlo1=ADDC3
Matching rule 81 paon61streetlo1=ADD12C1
Matching rule 82 paon61street=ADD13C1
Matching rule 83 paon66streetlo=ADDCCC
Matching rule 84 paon66streetlo=ADD12C3
Matching rule 85 paonfstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 86 paonfstreet=ADD12
Matching rule 87 paonapstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 88 paonfstreet1=ADDRE
Matching rule 89 paonstreet=ADD1C7
Matching rule 90 paonstreetn1=ADD1C7
Matching rule 91 paonstreetn1=ADD1C8
Matching rule 92 paonstreet1=ADD1C5
Matching rule 93 paonstreet2=ADD1C5
Matching rule 94 If the transactions in SE5 7QS, then PAON=ADD1df1
Matching rule 95 Having corrected the mismatch strings in add1 in EPCs, thenpaonn2=ADD1du
Matching rule 96 Having corrected the mismatch strings in add1 in EPCs, thenpaon61c=ADD1C9
Matching rule 97 Having corrected the mismatch strings in add1 in EPCs, if PAON starts with number characters, then paonfstreet1=ADD1C9
Matching rule 98 If PAON starts with number characters, then paonfstreetn5=ADD1C
Matching rule 99 paonstreet3=ADD1632
Matching rule 100 If PAON in PPD starts with number characters and ADD2 in EPC does not start with number characters, then paonapstreet1=ADD12C2
Matching rule 101 If PAON in PPD starts with number characters, paonapstreetn5=ADD12C1
Matching rule 102 paonn2=ADDC3
Matching rule 103 paonstreet3=flADD
Matching rule 104 paonn2=ADD2611
Matching rule 105 paonstreet3=flADD13
Matching rule 106 paonstreet3=ADD13C2
Matching rule 107 paonstreet4=ADDC3
Matching rule 108 If PAON in PPD starts with number characters, paonfstreetn5=ADD1C2
Matching rule 109 paonapstreet2=ADD12C2
Matching rule 110 paonn2=ADD1C2
Matching rule 111 paonf1streetn5=ADD12C
Matching rule 112 paonfstreetn6=ADD12C
Matching rule 113 If PAON in PPD starts with number characters, which are not hyphenated, then flpaon3streetn5=ADDC10
Matching rule 114 paonstreet1=ADD1C
Matching rule 115 If PAON in PPD starts with number characters followed by an uppercase letter and ADD1 in EPC contains string pattern of ‘FLAT’ string followed by an uppercase letter, then paonstreet2=ADD5
Matching rule 116 paonstreet2=apADD1
Matching rule 117 paonstreet2=ADD1C2
Matching rule 118 paonapstreet2=ADD13C2
Matching rule 119 paonstreet3=ADDr66
Stage 4 Matching rule 120 saonpaonstreet2=ADDRE
Matching rule 121 saonpaonstreet2=ADD12
Matching rule 122 saonpaonstreetn=ADDC
Matching rule 123 saonpaon65street=ADD12C
Matching rule 124 saonpaon62cstreetn2=ADD13C
Matching rule 125 saonpaonstreetn=ADD6
Matching rule 126 saonpaonstreetn=ADDCC
Matching rule 127 saonpaon61xstreet=ADD12C2
Matching rule 128 saonpaon61xstreet=ADDREC
Matching rule 129 saonpaon62cstreetn=ADD7
Matching rule 130 saonpaonstreet1=ADD13C2
Matching rule 131 If PAON does not start with number characters, saonpaon1=ADD1C9
Matching rule 132 saonpaonn=ADDC4
Matching rule 133 paonstreetn=ADDC4, then remove the incorrect matching for flats/maisonettes.
Matching rule 134 For flats/maisonettes, saon2paon61street=ADDCC
Matching rule 135 saonpaonn=ADD12C
Matching rule 136 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreet0=ADD
Matching rule 137 For flats/maisonettes, flsaon1paonstreetn2=ADDCC
Matching rule 138 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreet1=ADDREC
Matching rule 139 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaon62street1=ADDREC
Matching rule 140 For flats/maisonettes, fldsaonpaonstreet1=ADDREC
Matching rule 141 For flats/maisonettes, saon7paonstreet1=ADDRE
Matching rule 142 For flats/maisonettes, saon7paonstreet2=ADDREC
Matching rule 143 For flats/maisonettes, apsaonpaonstreet1=ADDREC
Matching rule 144 For flats/maisonettes, saon7paonstreet2=ADD12C2
Matching rule 145 For flats/maisonettes, apsaonpaonstreet1=ADD12C2
Matching rule 146 saon7paonstreetn=ADDC4
Matching rule 147 saon7paonn=ADD12C4
Matching rule 148 saon4paonstreetn=ADDC4
Matching rule 149 apsaonpaon6streetn=ADDC4
Matching rule 150 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreetn=ADDC4
Matching rule 151 If PAON in PPD data does not start with number characters, saon4paonstreetn3=ADDC5
Matching rule 152 saon4paonstreetn4=ADD12C
Matching rule 153 For flats/maisonettes, saon4paonstreetn1=ADD12C
Matching rule 154 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn=ADDC
Matching rule 155 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn=ADD12C
Matching rule 156 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn1=ADDC
Matching rule 157 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn1=ADD12C
Matching rule 158 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn2=ADDC3
Matching rule 159 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn2=ADD12C1
Matching rule 160 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paon61street=ADD12C
Matching rule 161 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn3=ADDC
Matching rule 162 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn3=ADD12C
Matching rule 163 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON containing the ‘APARTMENT’ string and paon does not start with numbers in PPD, saon2paonstreetn2=ADDC
Matching rule 164 For flats/maisonettes with SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string and PAON does not start with number characters, then saon2paonstreetn2=ADD12C
Matching rule 165 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonn2paonn1=ADDC
Matching rule 166 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonpaon62street=ADD12C
Matching rule 167 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreet6n1=ADD12C
Matching rule 168 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn=ADD12C
Matching rule 169 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonn3paonnstreet=ADD13C
Matching rule 170 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonn2paonn1streetn=ADDC
Matching rule 171 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then paon62saonpstreet=ADDREC
Matching rule 172 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonpaon62streetn1=ADDC
Matching rule 173 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreet6n=ADD12C
Matching rule 174 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn4=ADDC
Matching rule 175 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn4=ADD12C
Matching rule 176 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn4=ADD1num2
Matching rule 177 For flats/maisonettes, saon5paonstreetn1=ADDC
Matching rule 178 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the pattern of ‘APARTMENT’ string followed a uppercase letter, then paonsaon2streetn=ADD1C
Matching rule 179 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreetn2=ADD13C
Matching rule 180 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonpaon66street=ADDC6
Matching rule 181 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn3=ADD12C
Matching rule 182 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2street=ADDC
Matching rule 183 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string in PPD, then saon1paonstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 184 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 185 If SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paon=ADD12
Matching rule 186 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paon61street=ADD12
Matching rule 187 For detached, semi-detached and terrace houses, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paonstreet=ADD12
Matching rule 188 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paon1=ADD1C9
Matching rule 189 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon1paonstreetn2=ADD12C2
Matching rule 190 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then psaonpaonstreet=ADDREC
Matching rule 191 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saon2paon62street=ADD12
Matching rule 192 If SAON in PPD contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string and the ADD2 in EPC contains a string pattern of hyphenated numbers, then saon2paonstreet=ADD1262
Matching rule 193 saonpaonstreetn2=ADD7
Matching rule 194 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not contains commas, then flsaonpaonstreet=add1f61f2
Matching rule 195 If PAON starts with number characters and SAON ends with the string pattern of ‘FLAT’ string followed by an uppercase letter, then psaon8street=ADDREC
Matching rule 196 saonpaonstreet1=add12643
Matching rule 197 For detached, semi-detached and terrace houses, saonstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 198 saonstreetlo=ADDRE
Matching rule 199 If SAON starts with number characters, unsaonpaonstreet2=ADDRE
Matching rule 200 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreet2=ADD8
Matching rule 201 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaon1=ADD1C9
Matching rule 202 For flats/maisonettes, saonpaon1=fladd
Matching rule 203 For flats/maisonettes, saonpaon1=fladd1c
Matching rule 204 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains 'FLAT' string, then saonpaonstreet3=fladd
Matching rule 205 For flats/maisonettes, saon7paon6street=ADDRE
Matching rule 206 For flats/maisonettes, saon7paon6street=ADD12
Matching rule 207 saon8paonstreet2=ADDRE
Matching rule 208 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not start with numbers characters, then saonpaonstreet2=fladd
Matching rule 209 For street in PPD is null, paonlo=ADD12
Matching rule 210 For flats/maisonettes, saonpaonstreet1=adddap
Matching rule 211 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not start with numbers characters, then saonpaon61xstreet=fladdc
Matching rule 212 For flats/maisonettes, saonpaon2=fladdc
Matching rule 213 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string, then saonpaonstreet5=apadd1632
Matching rule 214 For flats/maisonettes, saonpaonstreet11=ADD12
Matching rule 215 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not start with number characters, then saonpaon61xstreet=ADD1262C, then keep paon62 contains a string pattern of hyphenated numbers
Matching rule 216 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not start with number characters, then saonpaon61street=ADD1262C, then keep add261 contains a string pattern of hyphenated numbers
Matching rule 217 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreet3=ADD12C5
Matching rule 218 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreet3=ADD12C1
Matching rule 219 For flats/maisonettes, saonstreet1=ADD1C7
Matching rule 220 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains a hyphen and PAON starts with number characters, then saonpaonstreet1=add1f61f3
Matching rule 221 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains a hyphen and PAON starting with number characters and ADD in EPC data contains a hyphen, saonpaon62street=ADDRE
Matching rule 222 For flats/maisonettes, saonstreet2=ADD1264
Matching rule 223 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaon61street=ADDREC
Matching rule 224 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘FLAT’ string, then saon4paonstreet=ADD12
Matching rule 225 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains a hyphen, saonpaon61street1=ADD1263
Matching rule 226 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaon2=ADDRE
Matching rule 227 saonpaon3=ADD1
Matching rule 228 For flats/maisonettes, saonstreet3=ADDC
Matching rule 229 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaon3=ADD12
Matching rule 230 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaonstreet4=ADD1263
Matching rule 231 If flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not start with number characters but contains numbers and commas, then if saonstreet=ADD1265, keep the results for the postcode having the same add2.
Matching rule 232 paonsaonstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 233 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON contains a hyphen, saonpaon61=ADD12
Matching rule 234 For flats/maisonettes, saon7paon=ADD12
Matching rule 235 For flats/maisonettes, paonsaonstreet1=ADD12
Matching rule 236 For flats/maisonettes, flsaonpaon61street1=ADD12
Matching rule 237 For flats/maisonettes, apsaonpaon=ADD12C6
Matching rule 238 For flats/maisonettes, saon1paon62street=ADD12
Matching rule 239 For flats/maisonettes, if SAON contains the ‘APARTMENT’ string and PAON does not start with number characters, saonstreet=ADDC5
Matching rule 240 For flats/maisonettes, apsaonpaon62street1=ADDC8
Matching rule 241 Having corrected the mismatched address strings in EPC or PPD, then saonpaonstreet2=ADDRE
Matching rule 242 For flats/maisonettes, saon2paonstreet1=ADDC9
Matching rule 243 For flats/maisonettes, apsaonpaonstreet2=ADD1262cc
Matching rule 244 For flats/maisonettess, psaonpstreet=ADDRE
Matching rule 245 saonpaon65street1=ADD12C
Matching rule 246 For flats/maisonettes, saon2paonstreetn3=ADDC
Matching rule 247 saonpaonn=ADD12C
Matching rule 248 saon1paonstreetn1=ADDC
Matching rule 249 For flats/maisonettes, if PAON does not start with number characters in PPD and ADD in EPC does not contain a hyphenated number string, saon4paonstreetn1=ADDC4
Matching rule 250 For flats/maisonettes, saon1paonstreetn=ADDC4
Matching rule 251 saonpaonlon=ADDC4
  • 1In this column, variables on the left side of the symbol (=) refer to address fields in the LR-PPD, variables on the right side of the symbol (=) refer to address fields in the Domestic EPCs. Symbol (=) refers to string matching function.

 Open peer review from James Gleeson


Review information

DOI:: 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-ECON.ATVQYC.v1.RPGYXZ
This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at .

Keywords: Land Registry Price Paid Data , data linkage , Domestic Energy Performance Certificates , Built environment , England and Wales , Energy , Urban studies , Sustainable and resilient cities

Review text

The lack of official or rigorously derived data on house prices per square metre in England and Wales constitutes an important gap in the evidence base for housing policy-making and market monitoring. This gap makes it more difficult to discern spatial patterns in the housing market, as measures of house prices either ignore spatial variation in housing types or account for them using complex and opaque weighting procedures.

Simple average price measures that do not take account of variation in housing types can lead to misunderstanding, for example by making prices in an area seem more expensive simply because it features larger properties. The lack of data on prices per square metre also make it difficult to compare costs in England with those in other countries.

Prices per square metre are also valuable in operational terms, as they are a key input into the analysis of viability in housing development, which in turn affects the amounts of infrastructure and affordable housing that planning authorities are able to secure from new development. Finally, linking data on property prices and energy efficiency could enable valuable new analysis of willingness to pay for higher energy standards.

The introduction of new open datasets on the sale prices and energy performance of dwellings in England and Wales has been very welcome, but the lack of unique property identifiers in in these datasets and the often messy nature of residential addresses makes linking these datasets much more difficult.

The authors of this paper have developed a sophisticated linking method to overcome these challenges, and have achieved a high matching rate. The resulting data will very valuable in itself for a wide range of purposes, but by clearly explaining the method followed the researchers will hopefully also enable others to apply it to new data or to develop it further.

This review refers to round 1 of peer review.

 Open peer review from


Review information

DOI:: 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-ECON.AKZ4VF.v1.RXBZDQ
This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at .

Keywords: Land Registry Price Paid Data , data linkage , Domestic Energy Performance Certificates , Built environment , England and Wales , Energy , Urban studies , Sustainable and resilient cities

Review text

This paper describes a sound and logical process that creates a valuable housing dataset. By linking LR-PPD and EPC data, countrywide housing transaction records being enriched with highly useful floor area attributes. Such a dataset is very much welcomed with a high matching rate and open access code. The benefits of this process are evident with stats figures provided in the summary.

I found the paper is well organized and presented. It is easy to follow although a very complex process was described. The diagrams illustrate the logic behind the steps well. This makes the matching results justifiable.

I have the following questions or suggestions which hopefully will help to improve it further:

  1. This paper, as it is titled, is a data description summary. It will be great if it can be extended into a method paper where more details about the rules can be included.
  2. Relate to this, I find the paper describes the logic of data processing very well. But there are limited examples provided.  For instance, in P5, 95 new variables in EPC and 180 variables in LR-PPD were mentioned to be included. Would be better to see a couple of examples. Also, I appreciate there are 251 matching rules they are detailed and complex. It would be great to see some examples too. This will make the logic clearer. At the moment the paper is rather conceptual.
  3. In terms of validations, it would be great if a manual random check of the matching results can be included. This will introduce the data with extra (a) examples of matching results (b) accuracy descriptions at the end.
  4. After aggregating to the census unit, whether it is possible to compare with the census housing figures such as the distribution of house types or other types of commonly sorted attributes?
  5. As mentioned, PPD data is updated regularly. It may be worth checking different versions of data to see if they result in different matching rates. This will give us a reliability test.
  6. It may be also worthwhile to include more limitations discussed at the end.

Thanks to Bin and others for sharing this interesting article and generating a useful dataset. Hope more details of the method and wider application will be made available soon.

This review refers to round 1 of peer review.

 Open peer review from Xuxin Mao


Review information

DOI:: 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-ECON.ABI2UO.v1.RMGBOB
This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at .

Keywords: Land Registry Price Paid Data , data linkage , Domestic Energy Performance Certificates , Built environment , England and Wales , Energy , Urban studies , Sustainable and resilient cities

Review text

The lack of house price per square metre data has caused serious problem in comparing the UK and international housing markets and proposing suitable policies to tackle the domestic housing crisis.

The publication presents an exciting academic research in this area and filled an important research gap well documented by reviewing related literature on developing and applying related house price datasets.

Based on technically advanced linking and cleansing methods, the research illustrats how to generate a comprehensive house price dataset covering around 90% properties including flats within a house. It also takes account of various property attributes like energy efficiency. Meanwhile, it illustrates in great details how to link, clean and update data which paves a way for wider academic use.

One highlight of this publication is its state-of-art data linkage method. It involves a matching method containing a four-stage (251 matching rules) linking various sources with algorithm testing the matching efficiency.

The publication is also well-written with properly displayed figures and logically organised chapters. The authors manage to illustrate the complicated process via a workflow figure which greatly facilitates understanding of an interested academic.

While it is quite difficult to pick a weak point from the publication, some suggestions are provided if the authors are interested in further related research. Instead of manual correction, there might be possibility of adopting some natural language processing or other text analytical tools to deal with name mismatch issue mentioned in Section 5. The potential automation process may not only improve efficiency but also provide opportunities for text-based attribute analysis. Secondly,the authors can point a lot of areas in which this research can be used. For example, a detailed up-to-date analysis of energy efficiency analysis can be based on the updating data set. The data sets also generate great potential for international comparation studies.

In summary, the publication clearly presents an innovative house price dataset and technically advanced methodology, which will generate huge research impact on the related research area.

This review refers to round 1 of peer review.