• Covid-19 and Mental Health

    Covid-19 and Mental Health

This mini-series on Covid-19 and mental health publishes 5 research articles and their related discussant comments, reporting on the data from the ‘UCL-Penn Global COVID Study, Lessons from Covid-19: Reflections, Resilience and Recovery’.

You can read more about the study and read the articles, below.

Covid-19, mental health, and the environment in which we live

People’s wellbeing is intimately linked to their environment including the place in which they live. This series will build towards examining some of the linkages that have been exposed during the Covid-19 pandemic and some of these findings will likely read across to the journals broader special series on Covid-19 interactions with our environment (https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe/collections/450).

The UCL-Penn Global COVID Study launched in April 2020 is a 12-month longitudinal study of the impact of Covid-19 on social trust, mental health, and physical health. In collaboration with 6 institutions from Italy, Singapore, USA, China, and the UK,  the study looks at the short- and long-term effects of Covid-19 on individual’s mental health and social relationships with others.

Held online between the 2nd June and 28th July 2021, the study group ran five online webinars (one for each article) discussing the lessons learned and to speak on the policy relevance and implications of the study, with invited policy makers and other subject experts. The recorded comments from these discussions focusing on the policy relevance and implications of each academic article will be published as a ‘discussant’ article alongside the academic article. 

The UCL-Penn Global COVID Study

The Covid-19: Global study of social trust and mental health study aims to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting mental and physical health, and how findings may inform policies in the coming months and/or assist in future crisis management strategies. Data collection has taken place over the past 12 months (between April-July 2020, October-January 2021, April-July 2021). The study website can be found online at https://globalcovidstudy.com and study details can be found at https://osf.io/fe8q7.

This study examines the short- and longer-term effects of Covid-19 on people’s mental health, physical health and social trust in others. This study involves three online surveys administered in April 2020, 6 months, and 12 months from then, 6 months, and 12 months to participants 18+ years and resident of any country. The survey is available in 7 languages.

Research Team

Dr. Keri Ka-Yee Wong (PI), UCL Institute of Education, UCL, UK

Professor Adrian Raine (Co-I), University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr Gianluca Esposito (Collaborator), University of Trento Italy & Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr Jill Portnoy (Collaborator), The University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

This project received full ethics approval of the UCL Institute of Education on 8 April 2020 (REC 1331). Documentation available upon request. The survey launched online on 17 April 2020.

Article list

All research articles published in this miniseries underwent open peer review in the UCL Open: Environment preprint server as per the journals standard peer review process. Decisions to publish are made by the named Handling Editor after peer review – readers are made aware of who the Handling Editor is, found in the comments section of each submitted preprint version. Read more about how peer review works in the journal https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe/site/how-it-works.


Covid-19 pandemic: our relationships, environment, and health

Keri Ka-Yee Wong

2022-09-15 Covid-19 and Mental Health

Also a part of:

Issue: Volume 4 • 2022

Research article

Reflections, resilience and recovery: a qualitative study of Covid-19’s impact on an international adult population’s mental health and priorities for support

Keri Ka-Yee Wong, Kimberly Loke and Kyleigh Marie Kai-Li Melville

2022-11-30 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Special series: Covid-19 interactions with our Environment

The effects of cumulative stressful educational events on the mental health of doctoral students during the Covid-19 pandemic

Vassilis Sideropoulos, Emily Midouhas, Theodora Kokosi, Jana Brinkert, Keri Ka-Yee Wong and Maria A. Kambouri

2022-11-07 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Special series: Covid-19 interactions with our Environment

Self-perceived loneliness and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic: a two-wave replication study

Alessandro Carollo, Andrea Bizzego, Giulio Gabrieli, Keri Ka-Yee Wong, Adrian Raine and Gianluca Esposito

2022-11-02 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Special series: Covid-19 interactions with our Environment

A three-timepoint network analysis of Covid-19’s impact on schizotypal traits, paranoia and mental health through loneliness

Keri Ka-Yee Wong, Yi Wang, Gianluca Esposito and Adrian Raine

2022-10-31 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Special series: Covid-19 interactions with our Environment

Child externalising and internalising behaviour and parental wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic

Jill Portnoy, AnaCristina Bedoya and Keri Ka-Yee Wong

2022-09-15 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Special series: Covid-19 interactions with our Environment


Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘Doctoral Students’ Educational Stress and Mental Health’

Tara Béteille

2022-12-14 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘Reflections, Resilience, and Recovery: A qualitative study of Covid-19’s impact on an international adult population’s mental health and priorities for support’: part 2 of 3

Morgan Vine

2022-11-30 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘Reflections, Resilience, and Recovery: A qualitative study of Covid-19’s impact on an international adult population’s mental health and priorities for support’: part 1 of 3

Nigel Atter

2022-11-30 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘Reflections, Resilience, and Recovery: A qualitative study of Covid-19’s impact on an international adult population’s mental health and priorities for support’: part 3 of 3

David Murphy

2022-11-30 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL-Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘Alone Together: Loneliness Research and Social Health Innovation in Lockdown and Beyond’

Kasley Killam

2022-11-02 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘How Do We Trust (Again): Paranoia and Mental Health’: part 2 of 2

Mitch Cooke

2022-10-31 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global COVID Study webinar ‘How Do We Trust (Again): Paranoia and Mental Health’: part 1 of 2

Emma Barkus

2022-10-31 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Invited discussant comments during the UCL–Penn Global Covid Study webinar ‘Family Life: Stress, Relationship Conflict and Child Adjustment’

Yahayra Michel

2022-09-15 Volume 4 • 2022

Also a part of:

Special series: Covid-19 and Mental Health