• UCL Open Environment UNFCCC/COP Special Series

    UCL Open Environment UNFCCC/COP Special Series

The UCL Open Environment UNFCCC/COP Special Series provides the opportunity to publish about key topics covered at COP, whether focused on The Paris Agreement, Glasgow Climate Pact, the UN led Early Warnings for All Initiative, among others, to critique or contribute to current debates and policies. This can be presented as a full empirical research study, a commentary (such as recommendations or guidance), or a case study.

Submission is open to anyone, and we encourage contributions from researchers and professionals engaged in producing knowledge about the mitigation, adaptation, finance, and collaboration needed, to deploy solutions to deal with the many issues created by a warming planet. We especially welcome submissions from work done in collaboration with or led by non-academics or researchers. This open series will provide a free to read platform to record and disseminate the insights from the many researchers, professionals, and policy makers, engaged in climate change, that are currently poorly visible to researchers and practitioners.


Submission is open to anyone. If you would like to contribute to the evidence on this open debate please send in your submissions for publication as soon as you wish by registering an account with the journal (or login if you have an existing account) at https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe/submissions. The series will focus on SDGs 6, 13, 14 and 15 but submissions on other SDGs are also welcome if they address a water topic. Authors should read through the journals author guidelines and publishing policies before submitting (https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe/site/authorguidelines).

For more information or to enquire about submission, please contact the Editors at uclopen.environment@ucl.ac.uk

UCL Press offers waivers and discounts for Article-Processing Charges (APCs) including for articles whose corresponding authors are based in low-income countries (see https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe/site/about for more information). Authors are requested to contact the Editorial office (uclopen.environment@ucl.ac.uk) prior to submission to enquire and request these discounts. Please note that authors ability to pay any charges regarding to publication are kept separate to editorial review and Editors are not responsible for determining these waivers and discounts.

Note about data

Prior to submission, all authors should ensure that the data relied upon for the paper are either deposited in publicly available repositories (for example, such as GenBank, TreeBASE, Dryad, the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity or other suitable long-term and stable public repositories, see below notice on data repositories) whenever possible, or have included in the main text for open peer review.

For further information, including about FAIR data sharing, UCL have prepared some useful information about when, where, and how to share data as openly as possible, here https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/research-support/research-data-management/best-practices/how-guides/sharing-data.

General repositories – for all types of research data (such as Figshare) – may be used where appropriate. UCL authors are encouraged to use the UCL Research Data Repository (please see https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/research-support/research-data-management/ucl-research-data-repository)

Research article

Location location location: A carbon footprint calculator for transparent travel to COP27

Jonathan Barnsley, Jhénelle A Williams, Simon Chin-Yee, Anthony Costello, Mark Maslin, Jacqueline McGlade, Richard Taylor, Matthew Winning and priti parikh

2023-11-30 Volume 5 • 2023

Also a part of:

Special series: UCL Open Environment UNFCCC/COP Special Series

Africa and climate justice at COP27 and beyond: impacts and solutions through an interdisciplinary lens

Jhénelle Williams, Simon Chin-Yee, Mark Maslin, Jonathan Barnsley, Anthony Costello, John Lang, Jacqueline McGlade, Yacob Mulugetta, Richard Taylor, Matthew Winning and Priti Parikh

2023-08-18 Volume 5 • 2023

Also a part of:

Special series: UCL Open Environment UNFCCC/COP Special Series

A short history of the successes and failures of the international climate change negotiations

Mark A. Maslin, John Lang and Fiona Harvey

2023-07-19 Volume 5 • 2023

Also a part of:

Special series: UCL Open Environment UNFCCC/COP Special Series