Welcome to the International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning

An international open-access journal advancing theoretical and empirical understanding of development education and global learning.

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This internationally refereed journal is an academic response to the increased public and educational interest in learning and understanding about the wider world. The journal has an internationally renowned editorial board of academics from around the world and will involve civil society bodies and NGOs through specially commissioned articles that review practice in different countries. Published twice a year, in June and December, the journal publishes the outcomes of educational research and current debates on development education, global learning, global education, and global citizenship education. The journal’s purpose is to help advance theoretical and empirical understanding of development education and global learning through a focus on both research and reviewing policy and practice in the field.

We welcome submissions. We provide an inclusive, fully non-commercial, open access publishing process. There is no cost to authors at point of submission or publication and no cost to readers. Articles are published on this site and accessed via a number of subject specific indexers, repositories, and search databases to maximise readership. Learn more about our publishing process, how to submit and sign up to our Publishing Alerts to keep abreast of our calls for papers and new issue releases.

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