Approaching quality of global education practices through action research: A non-governmental development organization–university collaborative experience
This article intends to describe a collaborative experience between a non-government development organization (NGDO) and a university in the area of development education. The experience has included the design, following an action research methodology, of a system of quality criteria for experiences promoted by the Network of Educators for Global Citizenship. The network comprises a wide range of people from Spain and is supported by the NGDO Intermón Oxfam. The experience has enabled stakeholders to acquire valuable knowledge, primarily in understanding educational practices and about how to tackle their analysis.Keywords: GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP, TEACHER TRAINING, EVALUATION, PROGRAMME THEORY, ACTION RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY, NON-GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS
How to Cite:
(2013) “Approaching quality of global education practices through action research: A non-governmental development organization–university collaborative experience”, International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning 5(2), 31–46. doi:
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