Special series
Published: 01/06/24
Social Pedagogy and Transgression
A International Journal of Social Pedagogy Special Series. This special issue is shaped by bell hooks’ understanding of transgression and education through her 1994 book ‘Teaching to Transgress’. bell hooks was an American author, educationalist and social activist who understood transgressive education as the practice of freedom, characterised by an integral experience without dissociation between body, mind and spirit. In this sense, education unites the will to learn with freedom of movement.
Published: 31/05/23
When Social Pedagogy Goes to School: Innovative approaches promoting agency, community and democracy in formal education
This special series focuses on school practices inspired by social pedagogy principles and approaches. We particularly welcome research articles that explore innovative practices that promote agency, democracy, community – three key concepts in the field of social pedagogy.
Published: 21/04/21
Social pedagogical work with children, youth and their families with refugee and migrant background in Europe
This special series aims to analyse social pedagogical work with children, youth, and their families in the context of refugees and migration, with varying empirical focuses and theoretical perspectives based on how social pedagogy works.
Published: 20/12/19
Creativity and Social Pedagogy
This special series aims to explore creativity and social pedagogy in greater detail; articles draw on a wide range of topics from across the social professions to discuss these forms of creative activity, including theatre and drama, film, poetry, music, and symbols.