• Calls for papers

    Calls for papers

    Posted by Ian Caswell on 2023-09-04

Throughout the year, UCL Press Journals launch a number of thematic special series exploring the journals aims and scope.

Details of each special series and its calls for papers can be found in the below links. This page is kept up-to-date with all current special series calls for papers.


International Journal of Social Pedagogy

IJSP CFP Towards an Eco Social Pedagogy

For publication from Spring 2025. See link for information, contact and deadlines. Closing date for submissions: 31st December 2024.


International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning

IJDEGL CFP Education and the Crisis of the ‘Liberal Order'

For publication from May 2025. See link for information, contact and deadlines. Closing date for submissions: 31st October 2024.


London Review of Education

International perspectives on signature pedagogies for school leaders

For publication from Spring 2025. See link for information, contact and deadlines. Closing date for submissions: Monday 14th October.


History Education Research Journal

Democratic resilience and regression in history education since 1945

For publication from mid-2025. See above link for information, contact and deadlines. Closing date for submissions: 17 January 2025.


History Education Beyond the Classroom

For publication from Spring 2025. See above link for information, contact and deadlines. Closing date for submissions: 9 September 2024.


Europe and the World: A law review

2024 Call for Papers

See link for information, contact and deadlines. 


UCL Open Environment Open

Further details of all current UCL Open Environment calls for papers can be found at: journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe/site/cfps.



Open call for contributions in response to COP themes of the past and present. Now open for submissions.


Community responses to climate change

Open call for contributions on the theme of community responses to climate change. Now open for submissions.

Water and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Call for papers and invitation to join our synthetic effort and debate on Water and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Now open for submissions.



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